The MyPetanque website offers you a number of functions. Some are only accessible if you have Joined MyPetanque and have an Account (or Profile). Others do not require you to have an Account. If you have any questions about the site that are not answered below, please contact us.
Adding a Tournament adds one to the list you view after clicking on the REGISTER link on the Home Page. These tournaments are viewable by everyone and all Players will be able to register for these tournaments. If you Add a Tournament then Mypetanque considers you to be the Tournament Organiser. If you Log on at a later time you have certain rights, for example, you can Edit/Delete/Add Teams after the Close of Registration date.
Add a Tournament
You can only Add Tournament details if you have an Account.
If the form does not submit you have not completed all that is required – go back and check.
The alternative is to email me the Tournament Flyer and I will happily do the above for you.
Edit a Tournament
To edit the Tournament information, you go through the same process described above. All previous information is retained but you can edit it if you wish. You can also re-load an updated Flyer if necessary.
If you wish to Delete Tournament details that can now be viewed on the Tournament List, please email me.
You cannot Delete a Tournament once Players/Teams have registered to play in it, you will need to contact me if you need to remove a tournament after players have registered.